Faction Editor
The list on the left displays existing factions loaded at game start and any new custom factions created during the current mission session. Select a faction to start editing it. Change the name to create an inherited copy (you may need to Import Units from Config in the Unit Editor first). All units and groups will be updated to the new faction name automatically. The original faction is still in the game and will show up again when you restart the mission. Click New to create a new, empty faction with no units and groups. The config tree displays all groups configured for the selected faction. The ALiVE Detecteron™ shows whether they are correctly configured to work with ALiVE. Generate Config - exports the complete Faction Config to clipboard, including any associated Unit and Group configs.
Using the Faction Editor
The Faction Editor can be used to change the details of an existing faction, create a new faction from scratch, copy an existing faction to use as a template or to create faction overrides.
The Group Config tree shows all groups for the selected faction. The ALiVE Detecteron™ automatically determines which groups are correctly configured and can be used by ALiVE. This takes into account faction mappings.
Creating a new faction: click New, enter the details as desired and save. New factions have no units or groups configured yet so the next step is to create some units in the Unit Editor. If you want to work from an existing template with all the units and groups defined, such as OPF_F, it is recommended that you create a copy using the method below.
Copying an existing addon: Select the Faction to inherit from and in the Unit Editor, click Import Units from Config. Then change the name/classname/side in the Faction editor and save. This is the recommended way of creating a new Faction template to work from.
Editing an existing addon: select the faction and change the side/flag but leave the name and classname the same. If you make no changes to the units loadouts you can simply apply the faction config at the mission level by pasting it into description.ext. This is a quick and easy way to change the side or name of a faction for a one off mission whilst leaving everything else intact.
Generate Config: this will generate the config code for the entire faction, including any changes to unit loadouts and group configs. A complete faction config is required if you want to pack the config into a pbo to make an override addon.