Looking for an Insurgent ALIVE friendly faction

  1. 9 years ago

    The ALIVE specific insurgent faction is broken with no fix in site and I don't want to get the RHS one as it involves asking my users to download 2GB of a mod and only use a fraction of it.

    Anyone have any recommendations?

  2. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    "ALIVE specific insurgent faction is broken"

    What do you mean? What faction?

    Are you talking about CAF Aggressors?

  3. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    You can try Leights Opfor Pack

    You could also try the vanilla rebel factions
    BLU_G_F --> Blufor side (FIA) ----- controlled by Rebels Blue in Military AI Commander module
    OPF_G_F --> Opfor side (OPFIA) ----- controlled by Rebels Red in Military AI Commander module

  4. Edited 9 years ago by Riley

    As SpyderBlack723 said OPF_G_F works fine as a Insurgent faction. Set them to Motorized and they will keep ya busy chasing them down.

  5. I'm using OPF_G_F now but they don't fit on Kunduz as well as an actual mideast insurgent faction. Call me a stickler for immersion :P (also just got back from afghanistan 2 weeks ago so eh.. the call to prayer I added still reminds me of that place)

  6. Also trying to avoid anything to do with RHS. It's 2GB of files I don't need and would have to make other players download. Might just go about fixing http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?172069-Arma3-AGGRESSORS or at the very least just giving them CSAT weapons

  7. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Totally understand the need for immersion.

    Leights opfor pack is only 500mb of data and includes middle east civilians and fighters.

    If you wish to go about fixing CAF aggressors, giving them CSAT/AAF weapons would probably work well.

    If you happen to use HLC weapons then you could try this mod http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?185378-CAF-Agressors-HLC-AK-Replacement-Mod

  8. Leights pack requires RHS which is 2GB

  9. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Oh my bad.. didn't realize that

  10. The 2Gb thing used to be a valid reason for not wanting your members forced into large mods.
    In todays world of fast connections and cheap storage, its kind of a lost point. Think about how many people purchased GTA5 for PC and that download was HUGE!
    I'm not saying that looking out for your players isn't a good thing, but you have to consider all the benefits and gameplay variety a mod such as RHS or other larger mods can bring to the table. If the benefits outweigh the costs, sometimes ya just got to pull the trigger.

  11. True. RHS is best mod for enhanced realizm and gameplay. Consider to use it. With
    RHS Insurgents - ALiVE 1Mb you can make any mission you want.


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