Need an Option to deaktivate "ALiVE_fnc_detectIED"

  1. 9 years ago

    Hi folks,

    i need an Option to deaktivate or overwrite this function "ALiVE_fnc_detectIED".
    Is there any way to deaktivate the "detected IED within x meters" Hints?
    we are using a script and the "minedetector" beeps if it detects a mine.
    mines are:

    _mines = allMines + nearestObjects [getposATL player,["ALIVE_IEDLandSmall_Remote_Ammo","ALIVE_IEDUrbanBig_Remote_Ammo","ALIVE_IEDUrbanSmall_Remote_Ammo","ALIVE_IEDLandBig_Remote_Ammo","ALIVE_DemoCharge_Remote_Ammo","ALIVE_SatchelCharge_Remote_Ammo"], 100];

    working so far, but the message spoiles fun.

    what can we do?
    thanks for help


  2. //Found some way by myself
    //_mine is one of this objects:

    if (!isNull ((attachedTo _mine) getvariable "Detect_Trigger")) then {deletevehicle ((attachedTo _mine) getvariable "Detect_Trigger")};
    if (str (attachedobjects _mine) != "[]") then {{if (_x == _mine getvariable "Detect_Trigger") then {deleteVehicle _x};}forEach (attachedobjects _mine);};

    works fine...
    maybe you make it optional anyway?


  3. Friznit

    28 Jul 2015 Administrator
    Edited 9 years ago by Friznit

    Not a bad idea! I'll add a feature request (though remember we're in feature lock down, so may not make it into the next release)

  4. Nice to hear that :)
    The bad news are..., my "solution" is not really working in Multiplayer?? Triggers are global, are´nt they?
    In my hosted mission it works, but on dedicated server it fails at the detected EOD Client PC? Thats Arma i ;)

    the feature would be nice to have, thx.


  5. Tupolov

    11 Sep 2015 Administrator
    Edited 9 years ago by Tupolov


    Shall I just add an option on the module for detection?

    options - disable, text, audio (beep)

    Also will put in options on the classname of the device that can detect.

  6. Tupolov

    12 Sep 2015 Administrator

    Implemented in Dev


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