Maps and Factions

  1. 9 years ago

    Is it possible to get the supported factions section updated?

    I see that the Australian map and the NAM map are not supported yet, do you guys plan on making that happen?

    Air Cav Vietnam, wish these guys would work with you to bring it Alive.

  2. Nam is on the list. Australia works too, but it was just updated so you'll have to use a later version of it if you wish to use ALiVE with it.

    If people give information on supported faction such as mod names, link to the mod, and their working faction names then they will be added.

  3. Requested maps:

    Kunduz Afghan
    Chernarus Winter

  4. Kunduz is indexed.

  5. Edited 9 years ago by AUTigerGrad

    Are the NAM unit factions included or just the NAM map in the 1.0 release? (Indexed I mean)

  6. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Only one way to check, nothing internal has been done.

  7. Edited 9 years ago by amoksepp

    is it a lot of work to get a faction working with alive?
    i would love to see the german faction bundeswehr in the game.
    the mod and website is so nice, but it seems that it only exist in german language

    the download

    all included weapons/vehicels/equipment

    pictures from vehicles:

  8. Edited 9 years ago by amoksepp

    just if someone is interested, the translation (my enlgish isnt perfect, im sorry for some bad or wrong translations):

    Groupleader, Squadleader, Medic, Anti-Tank, MG, Grenadier, Groupsniper, One-Man-Sniper, Antiair, Soldier, Vehicle-guys (:D), Pionier, Pilot

    G36 IdZ ES, PzF3, MG3, MG4, G28, (HK121)

    lot of different scopes and all the standard stuff like gps.

    medium tank
    SPz Puma

    heavy tank
    Leopard 2A6M

    attack heli

    Jeep (work in progress)
    Eagle IV

    Truck (work in progress)
    Mercedes Benz Axor

    Armored Troupvehicle (work in progress)
    GTK Boxer

    Repairvehicle (work in progress)
    Mercedes Benz Axor, Bergepanzer III

    artillery (work in progress)

    anti air vehicle (work in progress)
    Gepard 2

    transport heli (work in progress)

  9. @amoksepp is it a lot of work to get a faction working with alive?
    i would love to see the german faction bundeswehr in the game.
    the mod and website is so nice, but it seems that it only exist in german language

    the download

    all included weapons/vehicels/equipment

    pictures from vehicles:

    Although I'm very new here, I've been using ALiVE for quite some time now as part of my core Arma 3 gameplay...

    I'd certainly second this faction being added... It's still supported by it's developers and is of pretty high quality..

  10. Friznit

    27 Dec 2015 Administrator

    If they've followed the standard BIS template for their cfgGroups, it'll work with ALiVE. We don't do anything with ALiVE to make it work. Try it and see.

  11. How about all the MASSI Factions working?

  12. I believe Massi follows the standard BIS template as well. Like @Friznit said, try it and see.

  13. Edited 9 years ago by KRDucky


    Saint Kapaulio

  14. ;)

  15. Deleted 9 years ago by foofski
  16. Edited 9 years ago by PillowTalk

    @amoksepp is it a lot of work to get a faction working with alive?

    It's a bit time consuming, but all that's needed is the faction be properly configured and have pre-defined group compositions. Those configs can take some time to fill out.


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