@ski2060 @Silentghost, can you PM me with the details of how you set that up?
I am trying to set up a COIN style mission on Takistan for my unit using ALiVE. I would like to have it use the ASW AI commander to simulate the ongoing insurgency, but would like to have a win condition if the unit puts in enough time on the map doing patrols, hitting targets etc.
It looks like Insurgent HQ's, IED factories and Recruitment centers will be built according to the AI commander, with no way to set a total number on them. Is that so?
So, setting a trigger for a certain number of profiles to be killed. Will those be counted from the recruited Insurgents or will those come from the placed units in the Mil Placement (military Objectives) module?
I will be getting my new computer this coming Thursday, I'll remake the mission since I'm not really a coder and can't recall my scripts off the top of my head (They were really sloppy.) >.<
Basically it all came down to two variables. *Maxscore = 100; and Score = 0. I then added conditions that either added + a number to that variable, or - a number. Every unit was worth 1 point, and every factory was worth 20. So essentially I wouldn't have to worry about rather they are new units, or pre-spawned ones. Simply killing one gave me a point. I also added conditions that detected when the proper AliVe functions of spawning new units from recruits, and establishing new factories happened which caused point losses. The latter part my friend helped me with.
*I'm using 100 as a example again. I believed I tweaked it to some odd number because I found how easy/hard really depended on the size and scope of your mission.