Server Persistence after restart [solved]

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  2. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Make sure to look through the Data and Player Options modules and make sure everything you want saved is set appropriately. Read the wording carefully as some of them are written strangely IMO.

    Also, go through each and every module and make sure persistence is set to yes.

    My favorite way to confirm persistence is working is by either laying down an advanced marker before saving or even easier is just looking at the time in the map menu (make sure time is set to persist).

    In the event you have everything set up right, post your server rpt back here for the Devs to look at.

    I actually don't mind looking at your settings for you if you think that could be the reason if you want to share the mission (assuming it doesn't require a lot of mods I don't have).

    EDIT: You have a War Room account with your server info, right?

  3. Thxs Heroes ... I do have an account and all and my stats show up in WR but the server restarts the mission after I turn it back on. So this is not how it is supposed to behave right? I'm going to use a template mission from ALiVE website to see if it is some sort of mod that is in the way ... I'll post my files soon

  4. No that's not how it's supposed to work. Just keep in mind, if you're not persisting mission time and player position, it may be difficult to tell whether your mission is continuing or not.

    So definitely look through the mission modules and settings, and double check everything is set up properly. If it is, post your server rpt for the Devs. Let us know how it goes!

  5. Ok ... I tested again using a template from the download section of ALIVE, called Insurgency by Spyder, using only CBA, Alive, ALiveServer, and Spyder Addons. The mission starts correctly and soon enough sends me a task. I decided to take ur suggestion and make some random advanced ALIVE markers on the map and waited like 5 min before hitting "Server Save and Exit (Admin)". After the mission closed and all, I shut the server down and restarted again. The mission starts at 6:00 not 6:05 as it is supposed but I can see the markers I placed on the map. Im also in the same position as I was when I shut it down but the task assignment is gone. It is like everything else persists but the mission per se.

    Here is the rpt file before restart:

    Rpt before

    And here is the one after restart:

    Ppt After

  6. If markers are saving I'd assume persistence is working. Though note, I have not tried persistence since 1.60.

    Is time set to persist? It's set to no by default.

    Is player position set to persist?

    Are you logged in as admin (I'm assuming you are and I'm not even certain that matters. I always log in as admin and have never tried saving without it).

  7. Yes, I'm logged in as admin and I checked the saving features before launching the mission. All of them are set to save to database ....

    I have no idea whats going on ...

  8. Do you have a mission known to work that I can use Heroes?

  9. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Yes but it requires a crap ton of mods.

    The missions in this thread are all dead thanks to 1.60. But the first mission in the first post, called Prophet which is on Reshmaan Province, has a download link which will lead to an updated version I just haven't "announced" yet.

    It now requires CUP Terrains and an up-to-date Spyder Addons.

    Sorry, I don't have anything that I can share that's confirmed with much less required Addons at the moment. And also keep in mind I haven't confirmed anything since I haven't launched my server since 1.60 (thanks to me needing to fix my missions). It persisted perfectly before the update though!

  10. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Ok a couple other things. I'm going to assume it's not the problem since no one has reported it but maybe the dev build of ALiVE will work (it fixes a specific error which in some instances can break ALiVE's initialization process though I fail to see how it could break persistence. Who knows!):

    Also, just shooting off the hip here, but if you're running your server on your same computer as the game, make sure alive.cfg is in your Arma root and also that @aliveserver is running on your server (I like to place it very last in my server load order).

  11. Riksen send me your mission and ill test it on my dedicated server tonight.

    I have been having persistence issues on larger maps like Atlis and Kunduz but everything works fine on Stratis.

    I was testing with stock units.

  12. Edited 8 years ago by Riksen

    Im using the template form the download section of the forum. The one called Insurgency ALIVE in the pack
    It currently persists the player loadout, position and advanced markers but does not persist previous completed or even current tasks when I restart. And the mission time goes back to being the one when you first start to play it, in my case 6 am

    Thxs for thee help eric and Heroes

  13. I have issues with that mission also. When I get home tonight I'll send you my test mission on Stratis that works so you can test your setup. CBA and Alive is all that is required. I won't be home till around 9pm est.

  14. Great! Thank you so much eric963! Looking forward to that


  15. Edited 8 years ago by Riksen

    Update guys!

    I redid the whole mission by replacing every single ALIVE module and it finally worked. Server restart picked up from the save point. So I guess every time an update comes around we really should consider replacing everything in the mission ....

    Now I'm gonna try the same with my modded mission. Fingers crossed

  16. Ugh. You should see some of my missions. In one, I couldn't find a decent balance for OPFOR using the filtering in the civ/mil obj modules, so I manually placed around 50 cust obj modules instead, spawning 1-2 units each.

    That would not be a pleasant mission to have to re-do. :(

    I wonder if any specific modules are more susceptible to needing replacement after updates over others?

    Anyway, I'm glad you fixed it!

  17. Thxs Heroes... The problem now is playing by myself :(

    R you accepting any really sucky players in ur missions? lol

  18. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    If you're looking for someone to play with, yeah sure! I'm actually quite keen on someone else hosting one of my missions that I can join so I can see if everything is working ok. Shoot me a friend invite on Steam and we can meet up one of these days. Same name as here.


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