There was another error on line 28. Fixed it.
if !(([_objective, "HQ", []] call ALiVE_fnc_hashGet) isEqualTo []) exitWith}; // nearest objective already has an installation
if !(([_objective, "HQ", []] call ALiVE_fnc_hashGet) isEqualTo []) exitWith{}; // nearest objective already has an installation
Note the extra { I placed by the exitWith.
Okay, now, with that running and giving us zero errors... huh. Doesn't seem to work. I don't know what I could be doing wrong, here. I'm running the code in the init.sqf, pointing at a building and doing exactly as it seems you're suggesting. Yes, the insurgency modules are placed, and I still get the other installations popping up if I leave it up to the ALiVE systems, so I know it's working right on that end, but... yeah, I can't get it to place down. Is there another method I could use? Am I just doing it wrong?