alive and vcom

  1. 8 years ago

    Does anyone know how I can keep all the support aircraft from taking off? When I use VCOM they all take off and fly around in circles.

  2. Probably a conflict with VCOM and ALiVE. Try removing VCOM and retest.

  3. Yeah it's definitely VCOM and I've found no way around it. Even if you add the code to stop VCOM on the unit it still seems to cause issues

  4. I don't know why I do not have this problem with the VCOM script.
    The worst issue I have had with it was the transport choppers refusing to land but that ONLY happened on Tanoa.

  5. I do have the same problem with VCOM. All the support chopper are flying around by themselves. And it does seem have 3-5 server FPS lower comparing to ASR + bCombat. Ai behavior with VCOM is pretty good otherwise.

  6. 7 years ago

    In theroy wouldnt you need to add the code to the pilot in the support choppers not the chopper itself?

  7. I can confirm this. And there are plenty of possible inits for the units in the BI forums but none work 100% reliably.

    My server is running active 24/7 and when I tried to get VCOM running, they always took off after a while. That's why I switched to ASR.

  8. I just put this code in the init.sqf

    [{{Driver _x setvariable ["NOAI",true];} foreach (vehicles select {_x isKindOf 'air'});}, 1, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;

    That (as far as I understand it) removes VCOM from aircraft of anytype

  9. I thought this didn't work! Has that changed?

  10. I've been running our server for weeks using VCOM and we haven't had any problem.
    As others say you need to turn down the AI hear/reinforcement range in the settings file, otherwise AI flood from everywhere to kill you.

  11. I tried your code, the direct entry into the units, the third available code, nothing worked reliably.

  12. @JD_Wang I've been running our server for weeks using VCOM and we haven't had any problem.
    As others say you need to turn down the AI hear/reinforcement range in the settings file, otherwise AI flood from everywhere to kill you.

    Neat. Just the code in the init.sqf and nothing else then? How's Assymetric working out for you?

  13. It's been fine, although I will admit lately I've just been using the ALiVE mission as a base and using Zeus to set up missions for the guys on the fly.

    So far I've had them setting up an FOB using the R3F logistics scripts. We've delivered care packages to a couple of towns, and just last weekend they were on a mission to locate a missing BAF patrol and subsequently rescue a couple of soldiers captured by the Taliban.

    That's the only time I've had trouble with VCOM. I set a couple of BAF soldiers as captives in a town, and no matter what I did I couldn't get the AI to guard the buildings they were in. VCOM would continuously re task them with attacking the guys as they entered town. So they would leave the buildings and go hunt the rescue team.

  14. Alive & VCOM Ai

    For those who wish to disable VCOM AI controlling the CAS module, put this inside the Alive CAS Module Initialization: this setVariable ["VCOM_NOPATHING_Unit",1,false];

    I managed to disable VCOM of any other ALiVE CS via the "Code" field of the ALiVE CS. Only the Artillery is causing HUGE problems since I can not disable the VCOM AI on it. I even tried it with a Trigger.

    Type: None
    Activation: BLUFOR


    Condition: ({(typeOf _x == "IP_B_MBT_01_mlrs_F_EFAltis");} count thisList) > 0;
    On Activation: {if (typeOf _x == "IP_B_MBT_01_mlrs_F_EFAltis") then {_x setVariable ["NOAI",1]; _x setVariable ["VCOM_NOPATHING_Unit",1,false]};} forEach thisList;

    { _x setVariable ["NOAI",true,false]; } ForEach crew this;

    This seems to have stopped my helis flying off on their own when using ALiVE CAS an Transport modules :)

    A few quotes from here .
    They didn't work for me when I tried last time.

  15. I haven't tried on dedi, but on LAN..that code that JD Wang posted for aircraft worked. ALiVE spawned helos landed via logistics with no problems.

  16. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    A user said they were having issues disabling VCOM on air assets with the code given above. Genesis just posted this revision, but it's untested:

    [{{{{Driver _x setvariable ["VCOM_NOPATHING_Unit",true]; (Driver _x) setvariable ["NOAI",true];} foreach (vehicles select {_x isKindOf 'air'});}, 1, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;

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