Task Generation - Limit Task Types

  1. 7 years ago


    I notice that with the Combat Controller for air units module you can edit the list of tasks to determine which types of tasks are assigned to the pilots. However, is there a way to change this for the normal task generation? If I'm playing as a squad of recon infantry, I don't want to be assigned tasks for transporting soldiers in a truck or helo. I want to instead limit it to say search & rescue, hostage rescue, attacking enemies, etc.

    I haven't been able to find any module that has this option available to it though, and I'd rather not manually assign tasks to myself via the tablet.

  2. You can modify your staticdata.sqf in order to blacklist certain tasks.

    ALiVE_autoGeneratedTasks = [

    I believe that is current task list. Just delete or comment out what you don't want.

  3. Ninja'd ^^^ Good reply :)

    Wiki reference here: http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/Custom_Blacklists

  4. Thanks! I wasn't aware of the blacklist for Tasks like this. Appreciated

  5. Tupolov

    14 Aug 2017 Administrator

    There's some new tasks in dev too ;)

    ALIVE_autoGeneratedTasks = ["MilAssault","MilDefence","CivAssault","Assassination","TransportInsertion","DestroyVehicles","DestroyInfantry","SabotageBuilding","InsurgencyPatrol","InsurgencyDestroyAssets","Rescue","CSAR","CAS","DestroyBuilding","OCA"];

    The latest 3 are aimed at flyboys.

  6. Nice, I do enjoy occasionally flying on the ALiVE map. One thing I notice though, I often am going too fast or too high for the game to spawn the actual entities in where the AI should be. So I'll fly toward an enemy location, but by the time I've passed and are flying away, still no units have spawned in. Is there some way to correct this outside of setting a crazy distance for spawning units? I don't want to do that and bog the system down.

  7. @Tupolov

  8. Not really... you can lower the spawn time for each group (SmoothSpawn setting in VAI module) but that will affect performance. Try fiddling with that setting and the spawn distance setting to see if you can get something workable.

  9. Thanks for your reply SavageCDN will do

  10. Friznit

    15 Aug 2017 Administrator

    A bit of a funky workaround is to use the Combat Support module to send a UAV to the area. UAV's will spawn profiles, so you can bomb them to smithereens.

  11. That's a really good idea. I hadn't thought of doing something like that.

  12. Tupolov

    17 Aug 2017 Administrator

    You can up the spawn radius for aircraft to 4km and that usually works fine.

  13. 6 years ago

    I am all new to Alive and was searching for an answer, and found this thread, so hope its okay to ask my question here…

    I wanna make 3 way war on a map in Single Player, but i only want play as a Lone Wolf, with missions such as Targeted Killings (assassinations), Sabotage bridges/buildings and finally killing patrols and clear villages, is the above the way to do this… Or do i have misunderstood something..?

    Any help and guiding is highly appreciated, so thanks in advance..

  14. @Bedouin I am all new to Alive and was searching for an answer, and found this thread, so hope its okay to ask my question here…

    I wanna make 3 way war on a map in Single Player, but i only want play as a Lone Wolf, with missions such as Targeted Killings (assassinations), Sabotage bridges/buildings and finally killing patrols and clear villages, is the above the way to do this… Or do i have misunderstood something..?

    Any help and guiding is highly appreciated, so thanks in advance..

    Yes. But for full instructions on how to blacklist specific tasks from showing up when auto tasks are turned on in the C2ISTAR module, read this at the bottom of the page:



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