Server Admins location/gear not saved

  1. 10 years ago

    Hi, so on our server we have persistence pretty much nailed on the head in terms of players gear and locations loading as well as vehicles. However the problem we are constantly experiencing is that the server admin who is doing the server save and exit is not being saved in terms of position and load out. Obviously this sucks for the person who is decided to do this as they cannot participate in the persistence aspect. Is this an intended feature and if not how can we look to fix it but if it is is there anyway to add an option in so that the server admin can have his stuff saved as well?

  2. Tupolov

    27 Feb 2015 Administrator
    Edited 10 years ago by Tupolov

    Hmmmm. Seems a little weird. Shouldn't happen.

    Can you reproduce the issue with just CBA, ALIVE and an ALIVE stock mission?

    If so, please post a ticket here with the server RPT and client RPT.


  3. I'm thinking you probably have the server administration start the server and he joins immediately on start up. What I do as the server administration when saving and restarting the server...

    1. Save my player state using ALiVE's menu (push app menu key).
    2. Then I go into the menu of the game and click "Server save and exit".
    3. Once that is done I automatically leave.
    4. Restart arma3server.exe and I get on the server and if you have headless clients then connect them now.

    ***pay close attention now because this is probably your issue***
    5. Make sure your name isn't in a slot when in the server lobby and let the timer run down so that the server starts.
    ***doing this makes sure that the admin's player state is restored***
    6. Wait 5 - 6 minutes and then join the server. I would recommend having players join only one or two at a time so that they surely get their gear back. If too many people join at once you might send too many requests to the war room servers. Requesting too much information at once will probably cause desync and/or frame lost but might also ruin your persistence.

    I was having this same issue and figured out that the server probably needs a few minutes to load up all the data first.

  4. Tupolov

    28 Feb 2015 Administrator
    Edited 10 years ago by Tupolov

    Thanks Dixon

    Just an FYI

    The player and mission data from war room is bulk loaded when the mission inits during briefing. When players connect and their session starts (I.e. In game), the ARMA 3 server sends the player state to the client.

  5. Managed to fix it via Dixon method, thanks for that! Cheers for your help also Tupolov.

  6. Oh here is an alternative method just found lol :

    waituntil {(player getvariable ["alive_sys_player_playerloaded",false])};

    ^put in init.sqf


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