1.2.3 Released

  1. 8 years ago


    5 Dec 2016 Administrator

    Go get it!

    Fixes ACE War Room issues
    Fixes Stuck on loading screen
    Supports Arma 3 1.66

  2. Tupolov just dropped the mike and walked away .... ;) Good job

  3. We've been spoiled lately. Tons of support these days.

    Thanks guys.

  4. Thx a lot guys!

  5. Nice work fellas

  6. Fantastic update. Thanks

  7. Noticeable improvement in speed of spawns, etc. Great stuff fellas!

  8. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I'm not getting the pop up saying my server is connected to the War Room. Is there maintenance or am I encountering a new problem? Never had issues with the mission in the past and I haven't changed anything recently.

    I just re-downloaded and replaced @aliveserver and that didn't help. If everything should be working ok, what files do I need to post and which modules should I debug? Server rpt with data debugged?

    EDIT: "ALIVE LOAD PROFILE SYSTEM DATA DOES NOT EXIST" appears on the screen after debugging the data module. Strange. Here's the server rpt. Some odd stuff in this rpt about files not being able to be found. The mission loads and plays just fine in the editor and the server though.


  9. Tupolov

    7 Dec 2016 Administrator

    ALIVE_SYS_DATA START PLUGIN: ["StartALiVE","ERROR","You are not authorized to access ALiVE War Room with this account. Check IP and Groupname."]

  10. Need to catch up been away for too long!

  11. Thanks, Tupolov. That's odd. I haven't changed anything on my end but I'll take a look!

    Hey SavageCDN! How's it shakin', bacon? :)

  12. @Tupolov, my ip did indeed change! Thanks for catching that! We're good now. :)

  13. Quick question. Is "none" the slowest possible option for the Virtual AI unit speed? Or is 25% the slowest?

  14. 25%

  15. Thanks.

  16. I'm thinking of adding auto C2ISTAR tasks to a mission. Is it safe to keep the two Insurgency tasks if I'm not using an Assymetric commander?


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