Duplicate servers and loading assistance

  1. 8 years ago

    Hi all,

    Appreciate any help that can be offered on a problem I've run into setting up Alive. I've followed the instructions to setup a dedicated server with TADST, including registering for war room, static IP, port forwarding, etc. When in game however I see three servers under LAN. If I click on one it takes me straight through to the assignment screen. If I then back out back to the server selection I then have one server that loads with the briefing screen/map first.

    I'm not too fussed about this since the War Room still seems to record my stats but I can't for the life of me work out how I then load the game to continue playing in a new session. Apologies in advance if I'm missing something obvious but any help on these two things would be grand!



  2. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I use TADST too. Fair warning it needs an update (some of the options don't work, such as waypoints always fade no matter what setting you use). But all in all it gets the job done.

    I usually see two instances of the server. I have no idea why. I usually choose the last one in the list and it works as it should.

    For persistence, make sure your mission has the DATA and Player Data module, and that all modules with persistence options (a ton of them have a yes or no toggle, such as CQB, Military Commander, etc. Look at them all). In TADST, make sure you set up an Admin password, and that you've followed the War Room server setup instructions.

    Your server needs to be running @aliveserver. Your client doesn't not load this, FYI. Just the server.

    When in the player select screen, log in as admin.

    Open the console with / and type #login yourpassword and click enter

    When you select your player slot, you will see "Admin" written next to your username.

    For data to persist, use the server save and exit option in the esc screen.

    To load persistent data, keep the mission PBO name the same. ALiVE persistent data uses your mission PBO name. So if you want to start the mission over, simply rename the mission PBO in your MP Missions folder.

  3. Thanks for the info - I'll give it a go :)


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