Actually disabling auto generated tasks

  1. 8 years ago

    While the commanders tablet is implying that "Auto generated tasks are disabled" this actually isn't the case since there's a conveniently placed button to bypass that blockage (see the picture below).

    Is there any way to actually disable auto generated tasks? So that not a single player with a commanders tablet would go on to create any random missions for the players and that they would create the missions themselves (which is very much needed in this case!).

  2. Edited 8 years ago by Imbazil

    Not tested but this should work if you add it to the init.sqf

    waituntil {!isnil "ALIVE_autoGeneratedTasks"};
    ALIVE_autoGeneratedTasks = [];

    What it does it basically remove all the available missions from the pool that it choose from, not sure what happens if the feature is enabled while the pool is empty but I would guess that there is a check for that and it simply does nothing. Try it out and see if you get any script errors first though.


  3. Edited 8 years ago by Asmodeus

    Hey and thank you for the suggestion. I put the lines into init.sqf and fired up a mission. When I clicked on the "Enable Auto Generated tasks" I was shown the following error message:


    So, heh.. certainly adding the lines into init.sqf disable the ability to create autogenerated tasks but there seems to be a slight downside.

  4. You should open a ticket on Github for that error.

  5. Friznit

    2 Jan 2017 Administrator

    It's not really a bug. If you script out all the possible tasks then ask C2ISTAR to generate one, it's inevitably going to throw an error.

  6. highhead

    1 Feb 2017 Administrator

    I think this is not a perfect but efficient solution to disable autogenerated tasks.
    and well, it should fail with grace. so i will take a look at the script error.

  7. Hey @highhead,

    apparently @SpyderBlack723 already did, or how am I supposed to understand those GitHub tags?

  8. I didn't do anything. I gave it a quick 5 min try, but had some errors from previous changes that prevented me from properly testing.

  9. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @Asmodeus the "ready" tag just indicates a ticket is ready to be worked on. Basically, look at it as the devs confirming the issue and not needing a repro (etc), but it doesn't mean any work has been done.

  10. Copy that @HeroesandvillainsOS  thanks for the quick reply :)

  11. highhead

    1 Feb 2017 Administrator
    Edited 8 years ago by highhead

    ["generated","autogenerated"] call ALiVE_fnc_TaskDisable in init sqf

    easy enough for you guys? :)

  12. highhead

    1 Feb 2017 Administrator

    just pushed to master


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