Zbe cache and other questions

  1. 10 years ago
    Edited 10 years ago by rlex
    1. I usually run ZBE cache as server-side addon. Does ALiVE have some caching system which can conflict with ZBE?
    2. Does ALiVE have any conflicts with VCOM AI or ASR AI?
    3. Will there will be support for linux DS for persistence part? As i can see, there is only DLLs compiled for windows...
    4. My ArmA dedicated server sometimes crashes with "floating point exception", as well as my client if i start it as server. This started to happen only if i have ALiVE enabled. Is there a way to trace that problem somehow?
    5. And crashing leads to another question: can i save mission periodically to load it after we crash?
  2. Tupolov

    9 Mar 2015 Administrator
    Edited 10 years ago by Tupolov
    1. We don't recommend running ZBE with ALiVE.
    2. ASR AI works fine. VCOM AI may not work so great.
    3. Linux support - yes some point in the future when we have a suitable C++ developer helping us
    4. If your server is crashing send the dump files to BIS.
    5. Not at the moment. There is some work we need to do to accomodate that.

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