Specify Heli to transport troops for Logistics Reinforcement

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    Remove this from your code

    ALIVE_sideDefaultSupports = [] call ALIVE_fnc_hashCreate;
  3. just for supports or all instances?

    - supples, transport, containers, etc?

  4. Updated version:

  5. Still spawning csat helis

  6. Quick question. I'm making a mission with RHS Russian MSV. They don't have helicopters. If I put the VDV faction (which does) in the OPCOM force faction line and limit logistics to faction, will the VDV heli's deliver MDV resupply and BCR's or will I need a staticdata file for that?

  7. Edited 8 years ago by Runny

    Alright. This is driving me nuts. I want to disable helicopters altogether except the ones I manually place in the editor.

    Mil and civ placement modules are set not to spawn helos or planes. That part is working correctly.

    However, military logistics still spawns helicopters for both BLUFOR and OPFOR about 75% of the time. Moreover, OPFOR (CUP_O_RU) gets CSAT helicopters. When this happens, the transported troops are also CSAT. If the helicopters do not come (hallelujah!) then OPFOR gets about 75% CSAT trucks, the other 25% being the Urals which are correct. The CSAT trucks are carrying the correct troops unlike the helicopters. Only the drivers are CSAT. This is all workable for me.

    READ: The problem is that the helicopter reinforcements keep coming even though I've turned helos off in military logistics and player logistic support. How do I stop this? I don't care how hard coded I have to go with this, the helicopter flocks must GO.

    I have searched extensively, many have this issue, but I haven't found a resolution yet.

    Perhaps I'm doing it wrong. I have two military logistics modules. One is synced to OPFOR OPCOM module, one is synced to BLUFOR OPCOM module. The player logistics support module is not synced to anything.

  8. That's how Military Logistics works. It simulates out-of-theater BCR's, which can either be delivered by air or by water (on most maps), and Arma gives us one of the three available options out of CargoPlane, Helicopter, or Naval Transport.

  9. Edited 8 years ago by Runny

    Thank you for the reply,
    I was under the impression that we could remove one or more of the options. Perhaps I was wrong.

    The Mil Logistics is a great idea, better than just spawning things out of thin air.
    However the helicopters which would normally be the coolest insertion are completely broken. I get waves of 10+ helos which are the wrong faction (in OPFOR's case) and the crash into each other mid-air, get shot down, hover forever, troops jump out of them at height, etc... it's just a big mess and I want to flip the switch and force reinforcements to come by truck or parachute.

    That would solve the nonsense going on, it would fix the wrong troops being deployed, and it's better for my mission anyway so even without the issues I'd still want them off.

  10. @Runny Alright. This is driving me nuts. I want to disable helicopters altogether except the ones I manually place in the editor.

    Mil and civ placement modules are set not to spawn helos or planes. That part is working correctly.

    However, military logistics still spawns helicopters for both BLUFOR and OPFOR about 75% of the time. Moreover, OPFOR (CUP_O_RU) gets CSAT helicopters. When this happens, the transported troops are also CSAT. If the helicopters do not come (hallelujah!) then OPFOR gets about 75% CSAT trucks, the other 25% being the Urals which are correct. The CSAT trucks are carrying the correct troops unlike the helicopters. Only the drivers are CSAT. This is all workable for me.

    READ: The problem is that the helicopter reinforcements keep coming even though I've turned helos off in military logistics and player logistic support. How do I stop this? I don't care how hard coded I have to go with this, the helicopter flocks must GO.

    I have searched extensively, many have this issue, but I haven't found a resolution yet.

    Perhaps I'm doing it wrong. I have two military logistics modules. One is synced to OPFOR OPCOM module, one is synced to BLUFOR OPCOM module. The player logistics support module is not synced to anything.


    Read through this closed ticket, it should help you. My best guess is this CUP faction isn't defined for Logistics properly.

    If it doesn't help, you may want to ORBAT the faction yourself into a new mod where you define the vehicles.

  11. Wow this thread is moving fast.

    Use the code in the thread I linked above and define your own Logistics vehicles. I agree with you on the crashing and exploding helicopters, and I have a ticket open for that. Apparently it seems some improvements might be able to be made eventually, but keep in mind, lots of tickets, so few devs:


  12. Thank you heroes, I'll check them out and post back with the results.

  13. @HeroesandvillainsOS  Wow this thread is moving fast.

    Use the code in the thread I linked above and define your own Logistics vehicles. I agree with you on the crashing and exploding helicopters, and I have a ticket open for that. Apparently it seems some improvements might be able to be made eventually, but keep in mind, lots of tickets, so few devs:


    I read your ticket, it looks like it may be a solution for the CSAT trucks being used instead of the Urals. Excellent info in that regard, I'll surely revisit it.

    My focus right now is on the helicopters though. Can I just switch it off or design my mission in a way that LOGCOM would rather use airdrop/trucks? The helos are what currently is breaking my otherwise complete mission.

  14. Edited 8 years ago by Runny

    @Ludi As in:
    ALIVE_autoGeneratedTasks =

    //Call task reduction
    ALIVE_autoGeneratedTasks = ["DestroyVehicles","DestroyInfantry","InsurgencyPatrol","InsurgencyDestroyAssets"];

    //Call Specify Heli Logistics
    ALIVE_sideDefaultSupports = [] call ALIVE_fnc_hashCreate;
    [ALIVE_sideDefaultSupports, "EAST", ["O_Truck_02_Ammo_F","O_Truck_02_box_F","O_Truck_02_fuel_F","O_Truck_02_medical_F","O_Truck_02_transport_F","O_Truck_02_covered_F".......etc

    I typically do this too

    Where does the close bracket go?

    If I do this and don't specify any helicopters, would that force only airdrop and land reinforcements?

  15. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I'm not really great with scripting but it's my understanding this should override the default Logistics and only use what you define. I'm not sure on that though, so test it to be safe.

    When I opened that ticket, the faction I was using didn't have any helicopters at all so that was never an issue for me, helicopters were already disabled.

    That's why I was suggesting if that doesn't work, to make your own faction in ORBAT. Pretty sure that would eliminate helicopters entirely assuming you left them out.

    But this is probably better off being tested or confirmed by @SpyderBlack723

    Also please use the code Tupolov posted in the Github link and not the code from the post you quoted.

  16. Ah, I get it. Will do.

  17. I tried the code, it seems like it's working for OPFOR but not for BLUFOR. I reset the server now and will have another go and see if it's the same.

  18. I ran two sessions for a couple hours each. I ran the code and it seems to stop OPFOR from getting helicopter reinforcements and it seems to stop the CSAT trucks from being used. However I notice no change on BLUFOR who still uses helicopters. The script supplied only overrode one faction so I added my own bit to add another.. Not sure if I did it right though. Here's that part of my init:

    if(isServer) then {
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // override default data 
        // see script/staticData.sqf
        ["MISSION INIT - Waiting"] call ALIVE_fnc_dump;
        waitUntil {!isNil "ALiVE_STATIC_DATA_LOADED"};
        ["MISSION INIT - Continue"] call ALIVE_fnc_dump;
        // override static data settings
           [ALIVE_factionDefaultTransport, "CUP_O_RU", ["CUP_O_UAZ_Unarmed_RU","CUP_O_Ural_RU","CUP_O_Ural_Open_RU","CUP_O_UAZ_MG_RU"]] call ALIVE_fnc_hashSet;
           [ALIVE_factionDefaultTransport, "rhs_faction_usarmy_wd", ["rhssuf_M1078A1P2_wd_fmtv_usarmy","rhssuf_M10831P2_wd_fmtv_usarmy","rhsusf_M977A4_usarmy_wd","rhsusf_m1025_w_m2","rhsusf_m998_w_4dr_halftop"]] call ALIVE_fnc_hashSet;
        ["MISSION INIT - Static data override loaded"] call ALIVE_fnc_dump;
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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