ORBAT Creator General FAQ

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    Freaking RHS man...

  3. Should be fixed in the next release.

  4. 15th PLA 45th Airborne Division ALiVE faction
    Faction Classname: 15th_PLA

  5. @Nichols DId you use the unit classname export option to generate the list on the steam page? I will be incredibly proud if so :)

  6. @SpyderBlack723 Why yes I did....you sly dog you.

    Now just help me with my respawns and all will be good! :D

  7. @SpyderBlack723 if i wanted to just use the orbat tool from alive what other pbos would i need besides main and sys_orbat?

  8. At least x_lib, but it's not definitive as it does interact with many systems. Though, you can just disable ALIVE when you aren't using the ORBAT Creator and the rest only takes up maybe 300mb so unless you are really scrapping for space I would recommend not deleting anything.

  9. Hey Spyder,

    Someone I know has made a faction created via ORBAT to use on a mission on a dedi server with the relevant mods. When we run the mission, items put within the AI do not spawn such as mags, smoke, bandages and so on. However when we run it locally, the units made do spawn with the relevant gear.

    On the dedi server:


    On a LAN setup to test the mission:


    As you can see in the dedi server nothing spawns on the units.

    We tried just running the mission sqf as we thought it was a possible script conflict on the dedi but it still yielded the same results.

    I looked around to see if anyone else had this problem but it seems that I can't find anything. Any thoughts on the issue?


  10. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Do you have the proper mods loaded on the server? Are you using the latest version of A3? CBA? and ALiVE?

    Also, if the faction wasn't created with the latest version of ALiVE, please do a re export.

    Your pictures seem to indicate the opposite of your explanation, we're they mixed up?

  11. Edited 8 years ago by Owen

    The person hosting the dedi has everything up to date after asking him.

    The faction was made within the past week.

    In relation to the pictures, I should have been more specific. On the Dedi server: http://puu.sh/usWcG/3cb20da287.jpg , you can see the unit has no items spawning in his vest+shirt.

    On the lan server I set up to test the mission you can see that the vest+shirt has items in it indicated by the solid white bar next to the vest and top: http://puu.sh/urmJa/6ec0162ee6.jpg and has items in at as shown: https://puu.sh/urmb2/a1b8b795b0.jpg

    tl;dr The custom faction spawns with clothing and weapons. On the dedi server nothing spawns in the units clothing such as magazines and smoke grenades. .

    edit: sorry if this is worded poorly as i am half asleep typing this.

  12. Might be an issue with BIS's setUnitLoadout command. Cannot test dedi on my end though so hard to tell.

  13. @SpyderBlack723 Might be an issue with BIS's setUnitLoadout command. Cannot test dedi on my end though so hard to tell.

    If it helps and you provide me what I need, I can run a test mission with what ever changes you try with TADST for you.

  14. Thanks guys, I'll keep an eye on this for any development. Also this is the version the orbat was created on if it helps:

    Config Automatically Generated by ALiVE ORBAT Creator
    Generated with Arma 3 version 166.139586 on Stable branch

  15. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by Nichols

    Can someone take a look at my faction referenced in this link and see if the AI spawns with extra ammo magazines during gameplay? 15th PLA Faction with no extra magazines When we connect into our server the faction doesn't spawn in with extra weapon magazines; even though they are loaded into the backpacks and vests.

  16. BIS's setUnitLoadout command seems broken, the AI has the items, you just can't see them.

  17. @SpyderBlack723 any way we can fix it that you know of or do we have to wait on BI?

  18. Edited 7 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    I'll probably have to redo the way gear is assigned until BI can fix this. Wil be about the 5th time gear assignment has been redone completely :(

    I can submit a ticket with a proper repro mission though, and I am unable to test on dedicated servers.

  19. I can test on dedicated server and I am submitting a ticket on the feedback site now. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T123918

  20. Thank you, have added my own notes.

  21. Btw, it's also a good idea to re-export your faction with the latest ALiVE build.

  22. Newer ›

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