[SOLVED] Multispawn "respawn enemy check" or how to disable respawn if enemy close by

  1. 9 years ago

    Could the option "respawn enemy check" in Multispawn module include checking for enemies from the close vicinity when Respawn type: "Spawn in building" is used? Or should it already work like that? If it should then for some reason I'm able to spawn inside a building that has enemy close by.

    I'd like to create a mission where if enemy captures a zone from the player team they won't be able to spawn in the building that happens to be in the now lost zone (because there's enemy in the close vicinity of the multispawn point).

    Or might there be any other "simple" way to have a respawn disabled should enemy capture the zone where the respawn resides?

  2. I would think it would check for enemies regardless of the respawn type (SL, building, vehicle).. to be honest I haven't used that module in a while. Have you noticed it works fine when you are respawning on your squad lead and NOT when respawning in building?

  3. Hi Savage.

    I was unable to test how it would behave when spawning on squad using Multispawn because I couldn't get the functionality itself to work correctly.

    Following the ALiVE Wiki about Multispawn and its somewhat conflicting information (might be more about things left unmentioned) I went to test some combinations because to begin with I couldn't understand out of the Wiki page what combination would give the wanted behaviour:

    1. (playable character NOT set as part of the AI group)
    placing a marker with the name ALiVE_SUP_MULTISPAWN_RESPAWNGROUP_%GROUPID% and setting group ID with setGroupId for an AI squad and depending if Respawn type: "Spawn on squad" was used or not respawning throws the player character to spawn somewhere over the (in this case) Stratis ocean with or without a message "There are no units in your group 0 Alpha 1-2".

    2. (playable character SET as part of the AI group)
    placing a marker with the name ALiVE_SUP_MULTISPAWN_RESPAWNGROUP_%GROUPID% and setting group ID with setGroupId for an AI squad OR setting Respawn type: "Spawn on squad" WITHOUT a marker and without setting GroupId returned the same outcome:
    the player apparently spawned in but the view got locked behind the character (3rd person) without any possibility to do anything. Respawning again only returned the same state.

    I don't have the slightest idea if that was just me doing every single thing wrong or if the module is bugged because of the latest Arma version. I'm using Arma 1.56, CBA and ALiVE 1.0

  4. highhead

    23 Feb 2016 Administrator
    Edited 9 years ago by highhead


    Theres no enemy check for building respawn, as some players want(ed) to do garrison towerdefend style missions. You can however just place the buildingspawn-marker elsewhere on any condition you want (f.e. enemies near players) and the unit will spawn there or will even fall back to the default method if there is no building at all (like f.e. [0,0,0]).

    Plus, I will take a look at that groupID issue, may well be due to latest changes in A3, havent touched Group Multispawn module since some time! Thanks!

  5. Edited 9 years ago by SavageCDN

    HH ninja

  6. @highhead Hi!

    Theres no enemy check for building respawn, as some players want(ed) to do garrison towerdefend style missions. You can however just place the buildingspawn-marker elsewhere on any condition you want (f.e. enemies near players) and the unit will spawn there or will even fall back to the default method if there is no building at all (like f.e. [0,0,0]).

    Plus, I will take a look at that groupID issue, may well be due to latest changes in A3, havent touched Group Multispawn module since some time! Thanks!


    highhead, could I ask you to kindly elaborate, I got lost between the lines of which I apologize.

    or, I guess I understand that I could place the spawn in building marker anywhere and get what you suggest would happen but that doesn't give me what I was looking for: that the building spawn would be disabled when there's enemy nearby.

    Could the ALiVE team consider adding the enemy near check also to other spawn types? (If players require to be able to create those tower defense styled missions maybe have an additional option to disable the enemy check for spawn in building type).

  7. BUMP

  8. You're a busy bee today Savage. I like it. :)

  9. 30cm of snow here last night - work is a bit slow today :)

  10. Being an American and not having a real grasp on what cm's really are (knowing what they are is unpatriotic), I'll just pretend it's equivalent to 30 feet and you're now playing ArmA in an igloo.

  11. Oh you silly Americans and your Imperial Units :)

    30cm is almost exactly 1 foot.

    Although you are correct about the igloo :) I also had to take the dog sled to work today!

  12. Why can't the world end the endless measurement struggle and we all agree to just Measure with bananas.

  13. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @Woody05 Why can't the world end the endless measurement struggle and we all agree to just Measure with bananas.

    Because we're American and ours is longer than yours. That's why. :)

  14. OH SNAP!!

  15. Well I'm from Texas, and everything's bigger in Texas. So My American banana > Your American banana ;)


  16. U


  17. Banana for scale! Now the human race will set out to search for the most perfect banana in the universe that will set the standards to all measures in the future!

  18. Where am I?

  19. Friznit

    3 Mar 2016 Administrator

    No bananas here. Wrong mod! We have monkies.

  20. I'll just leave this here...


  21. Newer ›

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