Local host = fine, rented server = not fine (SOLVED)

  1. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by thebolshevik88

    Hi all, love this mod, but I am having a problem for my team. The units i place down (for the team to join as) that are playable our mission work fine on a local host on the internet but not on a rented server.

    Any ideas what might fix this?

    We are using 'lowpinggameservers.com' and they installed the @AliveServer folder because we couldn't as we kept getting an error loading it with unziping a folder with the aliveserver folder or manually installing the files of the folder onto the server.

    Also- do I need the war room to play AliVE or does it work without it?

    Thank you very much in advance.

  2. Friznit

    28 Feb 2016 Administrator

    You don't need War Room to play. And you don't need @ALiVEServer without War Room.

    You server DOES need @ALiVE


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