Not Loading w/Database Module Placed

  1. 10 years ago

    Hey guys.

    Trying to get a persistent AliVE mission up for my group. I got a mission up with no issues but not database module nor persistent drop downs enabled in any other modules. However, after I placed down the database module and enabled persistent drop down in other modules "Arma has stopped working" error popped up on the dedicated server and the game had crashed server side.

    I had quite a few mods enabled so figured I would start over from scratch and slowly enable them.

    @Alive, @AliveServer (server side), and @CBA only enabled
    Now the missions sticks on the loading screen for way too long (walked away from computer and returned 30+minutes later and still hadn't loaded.

    **Things I have Tried

    1. Updated @AliveServer via the warroom link
    2. Restarted Dedicated Server
    3. Had a persistent ALive mission up and working a few months back.

    Link to PBO w/ALive & CBA:

  2. Edited 10 years ago by mccarthy

    Same issue, posted in a different thread. However, even without the persistent DB module, I still hang with OPCOM and Place Unit modules. Latest ALiVE versions.

  3. Having the same problem man sucks

  4. I tried running Alive Sabatage mission and still get the same problem. "Connection with Server loss" on client side and on dedicated server side the server has crashed.

  5. same here

  6. Tupolov

    20 Dec 2014 Administrator

    Please test with the quick start mission. Post your aliveServer.log

  7. where is the aliveServer.log created? Not finding it

  8. Update: Problem seems to be fixed but honestly not sure what I did to fix it.

    I removed all alive mods, removed our server from warroom, and then started from scratch.

    And now it works.

    However, I did try this a few days ago so not sure what I did differently.


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