my dedicated server crash ( windows error )

  1. 10 years ago

    my dedicated server crash ( windows error ) after client validate role in loby and start mission ( demo mission )
    cba, aliveserver and alive is in right place on my server
    alive.cfg too
    war room is registrered...
    need help ...

  2. If you're using Windows and have everything set up -> Do this:
    As the Windows Server does it to block the DLL files. What you need to do here, on the winrar file go to properties and click on "Unblock" and re upload the files!!

  3. thx for answer,
    no dll blocking

    Do you need CONFIG_vanilla.cfg changed ?
    full command C:\A3server\arma3server.exe -profiles=c:\A3server -port=2302 -config=CONFIG_vanilla.cfg -mod=@cba_a3;@AliveServer;@ALiVE; is right ?

    i found nowhere alive.log

  4. your right ! unblock ! grrr

  5. do i need alive.cfg ?

  6. Friznit

    24 Dec 2014 Administrator

    Yes you do. The server setup instructions on the War Room explain all this in detail including how to unlock your Zip archive. Please follow the instructions carefully and you won't have any issues.

  7. I have a full dedicated server and it doesnt work

  8. Edited 10 years ago by shan_aya

    it works with other thing than alive ?

    download ALiVE package 7z, check properties of file ( right click ), push "unlock" button
    extract 2 folder in your arma3 server folder : @AliveServer and @ALiVE
    install @cba_a3 mod in your server folder too

    use command line as C:\A3server\arma3server.exe -profiles=c:\A3server -port=2302 -config=CONFIG_vanilla.cfg -mod=@cba_a3;@AliveServer;@ALiVE;

    check your config_vanilla.cfg with server and password..
    Follow The server setup instructions on the War Room for your account/profile ( hostname is important )

    it works ^^ if it doesnt it's your fault ^^ as mine before....


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