Fire For Effect

  1. 10 years ago

    Will something like this be added?

  2. Friznit

    10 Mar 2015 Administrator

    We don't do anything with microAI in ALiVE. You can use addons such as FFE / VCOM / AISS with it if you want AI to use those assets.

  3. Ok, yeah I don't use many mods with Alive to keep from running into issues. I just saw this and was wondering if you guys were going to have the AI do the same..

  4. Try @ASR_AI3 - it adds some neat AI features and is very lightweight. Do not use the ALiVE AI skill module if you are running @ASR_AI3

  5. I will give that a go.

  6. Also I should mention you can run @ASR_AI3 server-side only if you like. If your mission uses CQB and you have units set to spawn on clients then make sure all players are also running @ASR_AI3


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