Helicopter transport insertion – just hover, no insertion.

  1. 10 years ago


    I seem to be doing something wrong when I try to insert via helicopter. I pick a spot, helo goes there, hovers and tells me to "go go go" but no ropes!

    Any idea of what could be up?

  2. Did you change the height for the insertion? There is a slider for insertion height which defaults to 20m.

  3. I've seen the same behavior when trying to insert in wooded terrain on CLAfghan in a UH80. It did seem to work correctly on open terrain

  4. Edited 10 years ago by EasyEB

    No change in height, it does the same thing for 5, 10 and 20 meters.

    Here is all I got, this is over an airfield so about as flat as it gets.


    Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi...

  5. Friznit

    8 Jan 2015 Administrator

    There are no ropes or rappelling in ALiVE. The insertion option merely makes helis hover above the ground and was included by popular demand for those who use fast roping mods (such as AGM).

  6. Oh, well now I feel stupid :)

    If the funcion is not in the mod there's no wonder why it doesn't work! Sorry for misunderstanding and thanks for your help!

  7. I should have been more clear in my description; what I was observing was the helicopter maintaining approximately 40-50 meters altitude over the marked insertion area, regardless of the height I commanded.

    I'll try to record some video for reference.



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