Hostage Rescue

  1. 8 years ago

    I'm stuck or just plain missing it.

    My small group gets to the hostage area and clear out the opfor troops. I hold down spacebar and complete the rescue and the hostage joins my group. The hostage is sitting on the ground with hands behind his back.

    This is where I am stuck. How do I get home to move? I give him commands to move but he remains on the ground.


  2. @Tupolov

  3. I had this issue, I was running ACE3 so arrested him to see if could move him that way and when I released him he was able to move.

  4. Tupolov

    18 Nov 2016 Administrator

    The hostage should get up and move after you rescue him. Will test. Thanks for the report.

  5. Tried it a few more times and about 50% of the time after you rescue him and get the task complete message he remains seated with hands behind his back.

  6. I'm also having this problem. Happens about 65%-70% of the time for me.

  7. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I just tried this task. 3 attempts and in all 3 I saw the same thing as Eric963.

    FWIW, this is all on a dedicated server. And no ACE (I see it mentioned above).

  8. Tupolov

    8 Dec 2016 Administrator

    I tested this 100 times and never saw this issue... hmmm.

    Please log the bug on github IF you have a vanilla repro mission.

  9. Tupolov

    8 Dec 2016 Administrator

    I suspect this could be related to the BIS playMove script not executing correctly on MP.

  10. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Still need a repro? I can try to set up a vanilla one later if you want. I opened a ticket a couple hours ago, BTW; before you said only "IF you have a vanilla repro mission."

    Sorry about that.

  11. Tupolov just posted on the Github that this needs a vanilla repro to fix. ALiVE/CBA only! I'm going to take a crack at this later, although I'm assuming if it were easy to duplicate without additional mods, he wouldn't be asking for this.

    If anyone happens to have one and can post the mission, please do.

  12. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @Tupolov or @SpyderBlack723 can I use ghosting, or if not, this allowDamage false; in the player init while attempting to repro this? Or could it break the mission function that "frees" the hostage?

    A ton of units generally surround this guy and I'd like to just get there, kill them all in god mode, and then try to free him so I can speed up the process. I'm assuming it may take a few tries to break the task.

  13. this allowdamage false;

    should be fine


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