IED Module Bug

  1. 10 years ago
    Edited 10 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    There was a post a while ago about a user receiving rocket like projectiles when triggering VB-IED's. I have managed to create what he was referring to by shooting the IED's that are attached to vehicles and suicide bombers. By shooting the C4 attached to the bottom of a car it shot out and hit a nearby hill and exploded. I also managed to find the same thing by shooting the C4 on a suicide bomber. This does not seem to occur every single time but frequently enough for it to be noticeable if you are trying to reproduce it.

    if you skip to 20 seconds in, you can see that when I shoot the IED under the car, it shoots out and hits the ground nearby. Sometimes it is much more noticeable though and flies off to a nearby hill taking a few seconds before the explosion goes off.

    The same thing happens again here and is slightly more noticeable -

    Maybe this line of code in the createVBIED is the issue - "M_Mo_120mm_AT" createVehicle getposATL (_this select 0);
    Is it possible that this creates a rocket that shoots out the side from time to time? Just a super random guess.

    Testing was done with only CBA and ALiVE.

  2. Tupolov

    18 Mar 2015 Administrator

    Hey Spyder, thanks for the report and thank you for answering so many questions!

    Will take a look, I haven't been able to repro, but I suspect it might be because our IEDs are physx enabled. Will check the AT shell config too to see if it is related.

  3. lol I just assumed the guy was drunk :)

  4. Maybe use setVectorUp after the vehicle is created to get the rocket to go into the ground so it doesn't fly out from underneath the vehicle?

  5. @SavageCDN lol I just assumed the guy was drunk :)

    Ashamedly I did too until I saw it myself lol

  6. Tupolov

    19 Mar 2015 Administrator

    I still can't repro.. been shooting VBIEDs all day :(

  7. As of build this is still a problem. Shot suicide bomber and explosion went off about 30m away on the side of a hill.

  8. Friznit

    25 Mar 2015 Administrator


  9. Tupolov

    27 Mar 2015 Administrator
    Edited 10 years ago by Tupolov

    Can someone provide a 100% repro please, because I have not seen this once with vanilla (CBA/ALiVE)


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