Alive Saboage mission

  1. 10 years ago


    Im enjoining with my friends Alive Sabotage mission that includes at last version released. But i would like to know how works exactly :

    • Detection rate if you are Impersonate a enemy unit.
    • What ability haves if stablish a safe house and dont stablish respawn.
    • How enemy detects safe houses.

    Many thanks and very good example of abilities of ALIVE mod.

  2. From what I am reading, ALiVE doesn't do any of those things you mentioned above. Your friend could possibly have scripted that in so ask him.

  3. Dixon, Sabotage mission its inside @ALIVE/missions.

  4. Edited 10 years ago by dixon13

    ah ok. Someone else might have to help you out as I haven't torn apart the demo missions.

  5. Thanks, this mission is like a template and have a lot of interesting functions. Im adapting for my clan, and i need to know how works exactly.

  6. Okay had a quick look through, and here's what I found.

    1. Detection rate is based on many different factors. The speed of your vehicle if you're in one, the number of enemies near you, and how close you are to them.
    2. Whatever abilities you had before, minus a respawn point. Literally all it does is add a respawn point. It would still be a registered safehouse.
    3. They detect it through a simple trigger, so if BLUFOR are detected by GUERILLA within 500m of the safehouse, they attack it.
  7. This looks like a very nice mission, but it's missing a briefing.

    For example, I would like to know how to benefit from gained supports on completed tasks (what are they ?!), or how to switch back to my previous uniform after impersonating an enemy. Or read about the safehouses, what are they for ?

    Also, the mission is throwing a lot of popup errors, seems it need to be updated for latest version of Alive.


  8. Friznit

    21 Dec 2014 Administrator

    Yeah, not entirely sure who made this one originally. Looks like it needs an update though. Will poke the relevant team bod.

  9. Edited 10 years ago by robalo

    Highhead is the author, says when you load the mission.
    Think I ran into a bug with it, after choosing a safehouse to respawn to, it got detected and destroyed, I died in it and then it kept respawning me into the rubble just to get killed over and over again. Those friggin spawn camper AIs... :)
    I was expecting the respawn point to be lost and me coming back at the original camp instead but nope.

  10. highhead

    28 Dec 2014 Administrator

    Hi comrades!

    I didnt't want to spoil the mechanisms, so if you want to still have it thrilling stop to read here.

    - Detection rate if you are Impersonate a enemy unit.
    Enemies will detect that you are impersonated if you run around like a crazy chicken in their vicinity, you fire shots at them or get too near to an enemy.

    - What ability haves if stablish a safe house and dont stablish respawn.
    You can repair damaged vehicles there and choose it as your favorite respawn point (like an HQ).

    - How enemy detects safe houses.
    If a player is detected by enemies in the vicinity of 500 mtrs to one of his safehouses, then the enemy AI commander will send troops to attack that objective. If the troops manage to overrun that safehouse the
    house will get destroyed and all collected assets at this spot will be lost.

    - This looks like a very nice mission, but it's missing a briefing.
    Thanks Robalo, I agree, needs an immersive briefing and some more detail loving but I didnt manage to get it done in time and wanted to get that mission out because it plays wonderfully and is really challening and immersive!

    I can answer it right here, objective is to weaken the enemy as much as possible. By blowing up their HQ buildings the Guerillas earn assets and troops, that ALiVE Military logistics will use again to reeinforce the Guerillas. You also can request Guerilla reeinforcements actively from that pool with the ALiVE tablet. To achieve that you have to loot weapons of the enemy (you won't be able to blow up a military HQ building with only your handgun). If you collected enough weapons at a certain spot you can establish a safe house there, where you also can repair damaged vehicles or use it as a respawn point (like multiple spawn points)! You aditionally have the ability to impersonate dead enemy by picking up their uniforms so you are able to sneak into their bases to sabotage a base. If you drop the uniform or don't be careful you will get detected. At the moment, if you want to get your original uniform back, take it off before you impersonate a dead enemy (or it will be lost), you can use it later then.

    I can confirm your bug about the respawn point beeing not lost (ofc it should be lost if the house is destroyed), I will fix that. Thanks for pointing it out!

    Please keep in mind this is a mission that is intented to be run on a dedicated server with persistence enabled (though it also works in SP), so your server needs to be registered at ALiVE Warroom. Maybe thats what was throwing errors, because I didnt get errors when I just tried it. Which errors specifically did you get, would be cool if you could send it to me, thanks!


  11. Thanks!!!!

  12. Just tested it and got no errors at all. I think getting the server IP authorized @ war room fixed it.
    Was about a week ago, I remember something about some undefined debug setting.



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