Thanks Tupolov!
Thanks guys
Are there any resources on the use of custom compositions? I'm not sure if this is an automatic process (hopefully not. I have exactly one saved and it's a mini-prison I built and it would be weird if it spawned automatically lol) or what to do to get my compositions in there or disallowed from spawning?
Thanks to the ALiVE team for your hard work. Donating to support you when my next check comes in.
I don't think I have time to attempt to repro the C2ISTAR task persistence right now. I have several missions I need to update to ALiVE 1.1.1 before I attempt it again. Tupolov couldn't find the problem with the server rpt I posted so I would like to know if you can set up a sample vanilla mission and share the rpt and server logs. Make sure the C2ISTAR and data module are with debug on and share the rpt/logs from after you attempt to load a mission with tasks saved.
For more details on what they need from you or whoever tests this, read this:
I'll whip up an example for compositions. There was a bit of confusion because I wasn't awake to specify the details of it for release :) :)
It just means you can replace/edit ALiVE comps or add new ALiVE formatted comps. Can't spawn EDEN comps until BIS gives us a way to do it.
Here's an example of changing the static weapon at all roadblocks to a mortar instead of a machine gun
And here's an example of completely removing the static weapon from the smallCheckpoint2 composition
Would some cool person be willing to add the code for automatic crate spawning (which defines the number of crates) when manually placing a transport chopper to the wiki?
@SavageCDN ^ ^
this setvariable ["CS_CONTAINERS",0];
Thanks. I still use the wiki a lot when editing and building missions.
Yeah that works. I mean I guess you could just add it to the optional section that's already there but what you posted works too.
Whenever you guys get a chance, could I get some info on the new Military Logistics feature that restricts helicopter resupply to faction class? I currently use 3CB units in a lot of missions (they are infantry only), and then use a StaticData.sqf file so the resupply choppers are 3CB instead of NATO.
Will this still work? Or should I ditch the file? I haven't had a chance to check yet but can I at least specify NATO somewhere so I can keep some kind choppers?
Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of being able to replicate WW2 or keep primitive fighters like Taliban from using helos to resupply. But how can I keep the choppers when I use factions like 3CB that don't have them in their groups?
@HeroesandvillainsOS Yeah that works. I mean I guess you could just add it to the optional section that's already there but what you posted works too.
Wiki Police have policed :P
@HeroesandvillainsOS Whenever you guys get a chance, could I get some info on the new Military Logistics feature that restricts helicopter resupply to faction class? I currently use 3CB units in a lot of missions (they are infantry only), and then use a StaticData.sqf file so the resupply choppers are 3CB instead of NATO.
Will this still work? Or should I ditch the file? I haven't had a chance to check yet but can I at least specify NATO somewhere so I can keep some kind choppers?
Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of being able to replicate WW2 or keep primitive fighters like Taliban from using helos to resupply. But how can I keep the choppers when I use factions like 3CB that don't have them in their groups?
Set Air Transport Assets to "Side and Faction" and carry on as you were.
Haha lol it's OCD I think. It's sort of stupid even in my apartment. Do I really need to have the logo for my hand soap facing me?????
Yes. Yes I do.
And thanks for clarifying the logistics stuff. :)
EDIT: Oh jeez and he changed it on the wiki. I'm really sorry about that but it does look cleaner. What's wrong with me?
I feel like I'm missing something with slingloading.
Ok so I select the transport chopper in the tablet. I select the slingloading option. Then I see a dropdown list for items that can be slung. So, clicking on the item isn't enough to get a "confirm" option? That would be cool but I guess it still needs me to click on a map location for the approximate location of the object?
Anyway, so I clearly marked the map location for a Hunter GMG and then tried with an ammo box, and the helicopter gets (not super) close to the objects as he dips down, doesn't pick up an item, then hovers back into the air way above the item and just hovers there.
Then trying to start over and having him RTB and trying to start again (just like before the patch), if he fails to successfully slingload an object he becomes unresponsive. He just sits at the RTB, says he's taking his order, but just sits there.
How do you actually get the chopper to slingload something?
Also, I think the calibration is off in the slingloading object menu where you point the mouse cursor. Your mouse needs to be well above the item (touching the one above it) for it to register the one you want. I can take a photo if you want.
Also, I think the calibration is off in the slingloading object menu where you point the mouse cursor. Your mouse needs to be well above the item (touching the one above it) for it to register the one you want. I can take a photo if you want.
If you're talking about the dropdown menu, that might just be a BIS bug
Yeah it's the same menu. I know the bug you're talking about (it's been in the game for awhile) but this is something much less accurate than normal.
Any advice or tips on how slingload? I'm going back in now to see if maybe the chopper gets confused when objects are too close or maybe to try a different chopper. Not sure. It's just not working for me. I'll see what I can come up with.